Wednesday, October 7, 2009

think fast!

 i hope this goes fast
A few nights ago my favorite girl and I were talking about Canola Oil. Did you know its kind of fake? Or that 80-85% of all crops are GMO? These things just don't sit right with me. Scientists make food resistant to bugs, pigs that absorb more phosphorous so that they leave less behind in their feces. It doesn't seem right. My beautiful girl put it best, "How do you not get cancer?" Add to food that we cannot avoid, it seems; the swine flu shot, and I just cant convince myself its OK. The government wants to try to make the shot mandatory? Are you serious? Those are military personnel , who signed and swore that they would listen to whatever they were told. Citizens have a choice. (maybe not all citizens.) 

I digress; the girl has some allergies that really act up and cause issues. With all the reading we have been trying to do researching whats really in the food and medicines that we put in our body, she wants to not take her daily allergy medicine or at least find a natural alternative.

First, we decided, we cleanse. Still reading? Good. We talked for awhile about friends that have suggested fasting to us before and decided we were going to give it a try. Now, let me be the first to say that I like to eat. I probably love to eat. When I don't eat, heck, when i don't get the morning coffee, I'm not happy about it. In fact, when I start to act like a grump Twistie reminds me that I'm probably hungry or sleepy. So, as much as I know some people are much worse off then a forced-fasting for ... two whole days; I know i need to try not to be a jerk.
We are on a mostly water, some juice cleanse. Distilled water (sometimes with lemon) and a small glass of juice for dinner.

Of course today Andy offers to treat me for breakfast at the lunch truck, I need some fried melted cheese man, cmon, Ill even treat you Chango, lets go. Man, on any day that sounds good, and with no coffee, that sounds great. Oh, the office also go in its order from Sams Club; 2 new coffees, 4 creamers, 1 package of coffee filters. Solid.
I am certainly annoyed. On several different levels, too. On one hand, I'm hungry and my head is starting to hurt. The distilled (I still haven’t looked up exactly what that means, but I keep trying) water with lemon is a nice flavor blast. I'm still not happy about this. On the OTHER hand, and this is the more embarrassing hand, I'm noticing just how many times I would grab a snack at work. Its probably because I didn’t at least have coffee, which typically fulfills my morning meal, but I find myself thinking of my usual quick fixes for sugar much more often; the candy jar, a quick PB&J, a 3rd cup of coffee, whatever the snack of the week is that a co-worker leaves out on the filing cabinet. Which makes me think of another thing that should probably be important to more people; telling the difference between being bored/idle and being hungry. You are going to be 5 minutes late out of work? Great! Ill grab a (5 dollar) coffee to kill the time and my boredom. 
I was walking through the factory and noticed someone had a red apple sitting on their work station. I looked over my shoulders to see if anyone was watching. I think I thought I was going to take it.
I'm starting to think this is stupid. Inbetween all my work tasks, I want to go eat something. My brain keeps tricking me with just something little. I'm healthy enough! Why am I doing this again? That little baby girl, thats right. Gladly. That keeps me going, and keeps it easy. My neck is all stiff and my shoulders are hot.
I have to fight thouse thoughts of, BLAH! I want to eat! I think its more the lack of caffine then the lack of food. Its not hard, but its always there. Some people dont choose this. What a slacker I am.
I'm wondering why we get lunch breaks at work and not love breaks. You work (and pay taxes) all day. The most widely known break is the lunch break, sometimes called dinner break, for eating. Eating is something that has to happen. People work for their money and are provided a break for something that is human nature. But no love breaks.
Cant I just have a little candy? Like a skittle or something to suck on? A butterscotch?
A mild form of panic comes over me as I think of just a little bite of a cookie, or a candy. I think, I could just have one bite. Then, immediately, NO! Its weird. I dont want to be dramatic, but I certainly feel it. Also, my arms are tingly.
Another tall glass of water with a lemon wedge makes the arm tingles go away. The stomach pains are barely pain. Its the headache that sucks. And the sensitivity to light. But I'm not sure how much of that is lack of my regulated caffine. I feel dumb. Like I cant think as quickly. Again; caffine. Because really; its only been like 18 hours. People die from starvation. 
Jose is having McDonalds for lunch in the lunchroom. Fries. Big Mac. And a double cheeseburger. I want it all. With ranch. Geez, so badly. Also, the Monopoly Game is back, baby.
I want a bag of Dorritos. :(
After walking to the store with Twistie to get some orange juice I really started to feel it. Woozy and weak. These effects are really short though. Her experiences throughout the day were similar. I probably complained a bit more. I think I'm used to way more calories then she is, so my body misses them more? I'm not sure.
A small half-nap has really turned me into a monster. After apologizing for any snapping I did, maybe its time to think about bed. Its early, yeah, but I'm sleepy still the same. 
The walk around the block was nice, as it is any time, really. I don't feel hungry. Just ... tiered. Twistie is in bed with a movie, and I think i will be asleep in less then 15 minutes.

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